My cousin’s wedding

By: Sabina Lousie Pierce

May 31 2010

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Category: philadelphia, photography


Focal Length:12.8mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:D-LUX 4

Its always fun being a photographer except when your at a family party.  People expect you to always have a camera on hand and be snapping away all those family precious moments. I broke my immediate  family of this long ago.. I NEVER showed up at family outings with a camera and as years came and went and a few comments were passed here and there it wasn’t expected anymore and I could come and go as I pleased with occasionally taking out a camera to take the photos that pleased me.

One of those occasions just recently happened, my cousin wedding. I had  been upgraded to a better table with her parents after my older sister had made complaints of having to sit at the same table with me (long story, her problem) but one that worked out well for me. I had a great view from my seat of all the action.

So with that in mind, I snuck out of my tiny Leica D-lux 4 and snapped a few photos in the ambient light.  I’ve been very pleased with this little digital camera over the past year for its light weight and  jaw dropping glass, but now I have another reason to love it. It fits into little black handbags too!

2 comments on “My cousin’s wedding”

  1. The beauty of Leica…I’m sure you’re now hooked. Very nice stuff and something they will cherish forever.

  2. I am the cousin bride. i do not blog but i will make an exception because i made it onto bina’s site.
    To my dear cousin who took this and many other lovely pictures, especially those of our grandmother who could not travel to the wedding, don’t threaten to not share your professional talent because joe and i will remember that when you have a legal question. love you lots, cuz.

    p.s. my dress is prettier than the camera:)

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